Cutting-edge science

Crafted by world renowned gastroenterologist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, Daily Microbiome Nutrition (DMN) offers unparalleled daily prebiotic support by blending cutting-edge science with Dr. B's clinical expertise.

Inspired by patients

Disturbance of the gut microbiome, also known as dysbiosis, is associated with most digestive disorders and numerous other health conditions. Restoring the microbiome is crucial to tackling the underlying cause of the issue.

Guided by science

Each core ingredient, drawn from three distinct classes of prebiotics, is chosen for its specific role in enhancing gut microbiome and overall bowel health.

Designed for you and your microbes

Conscious of the link between digestive disorders and gut sensitivity, DMN was formulated low FODMAP (certified) to provide maximum benefit with minimum discomfort.

Ingredients list

Core ingredients


The problem


Your gut microbes are starving.

Prebiotics are food for your gut microbes and there are 3 main types – fiber, resistant starches, and polyphenols. All are deficient in the Western diet.


A poorly nourished gut slides into dysbiosis.

Distressed, nutritionally deficient microbial communities fall out of balance, which we call dysbiosis.


Dysbiosis is associated with digestive disorders and many other conditions.

When the microbes are incapable of properly doing their job it affects how your body functions, contributing to the manifestation of disease.


Your gut microbes are starving.

Prebiotics are food for your gut microbes and there are 3 main types – fiber, resistant starches, and polyphenols. All are deficient in the Western diet.


A poorly nourished gut slides into dysbiosis.

Distressed, nutritionally deficient microbial communities fall out of balance, which we call dysbiosis.


Dysbiosis is associated with digestive disorders and many other conditions.

When the microbes are incapable of properly doing their job it affects how your body functions, contributing to the manifestation of disease.


The DMN solution

Feed your microbes a mix of prebiotics.

Not only does DMN provide all 3 types of prebiotics, but it contains multiple sources from seven different plants. Variety is important in the microbiome!

Restore balance to the microbiome.

Fiber, resistant starch and polyphenols have all been shown to correct dysbiosis.

Normal bodily physiology returns when the microbiome is functional.

A healthy, nourished microbiome creates bioactive post-biotics that influence gut barrier integrity, bowel motility, immune function, metabolic health, and even cognition and mood.

Complete Prebiotic = Fiber + Resistant Starch + Polyphenols

Clinical studies

The studies that support our claims

Evidence first. Claims second.

Your daily gut ‘multi-vitamin’

Your gut’s new best friend.

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There's a new, exciting world of scientific discovery in the microbiome. DMN is the fiber supplement that harnesses this new science, drawing from a variety of plant-based ingredients, to provide daily prebiotic support for a healthier microbiome.

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI